My mom have told me that my cousin has been enrolled into the UiTM university after accepting the offer to taking the university's Diploma in Education programme.Congratulation for her even though she hated the course.Well I hated the education course as well because because for me, Malaysian's education programme were no longer effective in teaching their kids.They prefer to let their kids copying the ideas from something else instead of generating a new one.Copying is the first thing a child would learn,but that is only for child under the age of 12.When they become an adolescent, at the age of 13, they need to learn how to think.No more copying,it is time to think, which brings us to reason number 2.The kids have gone haywire with all the disciplinary and social problems they have cause.Kids are copying the violent act portrayed in the medias and are creates chaos from their action.This happens because they can't think and get their head straight.Right now, being a teachers is more dangerous than being a police officers because police have guns and self-defense technique,a teacher don't.Getting their transport destroyed and damaged is one thing,what about being beaten and harmed physically?Maybe in the future a teacher will be given a police baton instead of a cane and a self-defense technique will be taught during Teaching and Education programmes across the universities and teaching institutes.
Reason number 3 of why I opposed the Malaysian Education System is the level of cronyism enacted in our Public Universities.How come a kid who failed his SPM's gets enrolled into the public universities?Why our universities are giving too much priority to the Science stream students even though they flopped their exam even worse than the art stream students?In fact an average-graded science stream student are more likely to get enrolled into a university than a high-graded art stream students,even though the course was meant to suit the art-streamers.In Singapore, they raised this topic of cronyism and started a campaign against it.So,let's not locked up and dozed off to our 'Tak Apa' mentality and change for the greater good.
These are the reason why I opposed the education system and the mistake of it is the reason why our kids are very robot-like.They are programmed to copy,not to create.If I ever want a robot I would go to a factory and order one,I don't have to go to school or a college.Now Let's wake up and move forward...